Doing Some Wash…

Happy Wednesday!

Yesterday I did some laundry and it was not successful! No, I did not wash my whites with my reds. I washed an entire box of 120 fabric softener sheets with my large load of laundry.

WHAT? How does that happen? Well, Let me tell ya…

I went grocery shopping and bought a brand new box a fabric softener sheets. 120 count to be exact. I had a laundry basket beside the basement door, so I threw the box of fabric softener sheets into the basket on top of the dirty laundry in the basket. Then I went and gathered other dirty laundry and put it all  in the same basket, covering the box.

I went downstairs and decided just to dump the items in the laundry basket right into the washer, not sorting the laundry and never thinking about the box of fabric sheets or seeing them because they were buried between laundry.

However, I did remember them when I opened the finished load.
The white pieces are actually fabric softener HUGE clumps! Brown…the box. Which I was pleased, not please, how bio-degradable it happens to be!

So I started to clean up…not pretty. The brown is the box. UGH!! And yes, that brown was all over the clothes.

And here is a pile of 100+ fabric sheets.

At least the box was on sale. And yes, the clothes were super soft…hahaha!

Annual Cookie Walk…

Happy Monday!

For the last 6 years, my mom takes the boys to a local cookie walk. It’s always the first Saturday of December and is a part of kicking off our Christmas Traditions, as well as me trying to eat every cookie possible before the boys!

One of our most favorite people, Nancy, has always helped the boys pick out their cookies! She first helped them in their choosing in December 2010.


An again on Saturday~Nancy hasn’t changed a bit!

Hope you enjoyed the snow on Sunday and have kicked off a few of FUN your holiday traditions!

Thanksgiving Happenings…

Welcome Back!

I cannot believe it was a week ago that I was out shopping for 12 hours on Black Friday. We started at 10 in the morning and gave it up at 10:00 that night. Awesome day!

But first…a few pictures from Thanksgiving Day. This year, Jason and I took on preparing the entire meal.
Of course, Jason had to fish out the innards of the turkey. If you do not know at this time, I cannot stand raw meat and absolutely refuse to stick my hand/arm up that bird. Anyway, while Jason was trying to get the innards out, he kept saying, “I can’t get my hand in there! My arm is going to get stuck!! This bird’s chest is just to small!” At one point, he even held up the turkey to show how stuck his hand was.

Jason then recruited Jack to help him pull our the extra parts. Jack said, “NO WAY!” until I suggested a rubber glove.
Jack soon started joining Jason with the “It’s too small! I can’t get the parts out (What parts am I pulling out?)!”

I finally looked over to check out issue and said, “Can I make a suggestion? If you pull the innards out of the turkey’s rear end instead of its neck, you may have better luck.”

Complete silence. (that says it all)

Jason taught the kids how to pull a rubber glove all the way over their noses, blow it up and let it go to shoot across the room. Good Thanksgiving activity.



Jack had pumpkin pie for the first time and realized he was mising a little slice of heaven!

Sam is officially as tall as my dad. Well, maybe my dad has about a half inch on Sam.

And then it was Black Friday!
Mom and I started with coffee and looking over Christmas lists the bookstore to plan our day. Perfect start for holiday shopping!

We then headed to stores around the mall, where Megan joined us at the new Container Store! That is definitely one of my new favorite places!
(I think we have a photo bomber in the background!)

The last stop were a few stores in the mall. Mom wanted to look at winter coats and we had to pass the shoe section. Glad shoes were not on my list!

We looked around and there was not one sales person in the area. It was almost like they just left and I do not blame them!

So a successful thanksgiving, a successful Black Friday and a successful Christmas decorating the house weekend!

Hope you enjoyed your time and didn’t get you hand stuck in a turkey’s neck! 🙂



Welcome Back!

So the virus that Jack had a couple weeks ago. The one that took him out for about a week. Well, Jason has it now. He went to bed very early Sunday night. I walked into our bathroom and saw this and immediately thought..that’s not good.img_1207Happy to let you know that he is feeling much better…it must have beeen all that sleep he got on Sunday night!

Unfortunately when I picked up Sam from basketball, the first thing he said was, “My throat is sore…”



Skol Vikings!


I missed yesterday’s post because we were in Minneapolis all weekend for a little shopping and for the Vikings game! Skol Vikings!

All ready to head to the game!
Jack is finally getting over his cold/sickness. He had a virus and it really did take it out of him for about a week. So not like him! He felt more himself on Monday then he has for a long time

We headed up with friends that are huge Cardinal fans. It was a fun rivalry between the families…especially since the best team won! (hee hee)img_1072

For Christmas last year, I purchased a Vikings brick for Jason. We found it and took a family photo. The arrow is pointing to our brick. Remember…the family that wears hats together stays together! It was COLD walking to the stadium. Jack and I were very pleased to have worn our winter gear!!


I shared with Sam how he makes it almost impossible to crop photos! He is so tall that I can barely get Jack’s chin in the photo, along with the top of Sam’s head! I am actually standing on my tip toes to see over Jack’s head. Soon, I will be the one in the front. img_1114

Our seats are two and two. Sam and Jason sit right behind Jack and me. That way, we don’t have to try to see over Sam and they can talk football.

Jack saw his favorite fan Sir V! This is Jack’s “mean” face.

Jack said, “Mom. Did you see his eyes? I sure hope those were contacts!”

Another fun filled weekend with a big win from the Cyclones and the Vikings…it doesn’t get much better than that (except for turkey eating, naps and shopping!)



Thank You!

Good Morning!

Well, Jason has been out of town this week, so you know what that means…sick kid! This time it was Jack.

(I have a picture of Jack to place here, but it included a stuffed animal so it was not allowed.)
He woke up Wednesday morning with upset stomach, sore throat and a fever, so he stayed home. Thursday I kept him home in the morning and then he thought he was good to go for the afternoon. When I picked him up after school, he was beat and said his throat was killing him. So, off to the Doctor to check for strep. The test came back negative. He has a virus. Doctor was able to tell that in less than 60 seconds.  Off I went to teach a class, so my mom and dad were with the boys. When I got home, Jack’s eye was red, puffy and goop coming out of it. Great…pink eye or a cold in the eye. So, waiting to see how his eye is this morning, or back to the doctor. When it rains, it pours.

I do need to thank my parents and my work family/friends for helping me out this week! It is greatly appreciated by me and Jack!!





I must say that I am glad that this is a new week. Have you ever felt like you have been put through the wringer? Last week was definitely one of those weeks…for many different happenings and reasons. So today, I am staring with a little message for all of us…


Or you can build a box.

Hmmmm….I think Jack has the right idea!
He even asked if I wanted to get in and try it out! (heart)


Sending out good vibes, peace and calm thoughts to everyone who is going thorough their own thing, because believe me, we all have things going on that could use a little peace and love.



Jason and I headed out to the polls nice an early yesterday to cast our votes! We did not take this picture inside the polls..outside only!!


It’s time for this election to be over, my boys are tired of it all!

Jack got in the car on Monday and said, “In school we are studying the candidates for President. I am so tired of people talking about them. I am so ready for this election to be over!” He’s 11!!

Sam and a friend got in a very heated argument over the candidates. Sam? Yep. It’s time for the election to be over.

Hope you voted yesterday and followed your heart on this one!
(I am writing this before election results.)



One of the best things about fall are the leaves. Jason worked on leaves this weekend. It is a never ending battle. We can’t just “leave” them on the ground, because there are just too many and they won’t go away on their own.

These are all from the one tree outside our front door.

Rake them up and you have a great jumping pile! Jack is in the picture to represent size.

A running start…


With a last minute twist….img_0774-001

And he is gone! Except for his foot…img_0775-001

That was AWESOME!!!img_0777-001
Once again, to be young again and be able to jump in a pile of leaves without saying, “Oh…my back! “ hip. can someone help me up?”

Pumpkin Update…


Well, it took less then 24 hours for Jack’s pumpkin to be eaten by some THING!!

We lit the pumpkins Sunday night before heading out to trick or treat. Just a quick reminder that Jack’s had a little top hat, mustache and teeth held into it’s mouth with toothpicks.

When we came home, we blew out the candles and the pumpkins were still in good shape.

I went out to light the candles again around 5:00 on Monday night and noticed this…Oh My!!
What ever ate this thing, went crazy! Where you take the top of the pumpkin off to put in a candle…they ate that lid. They ate the eyes…they ate the mustache…and they ate all the teeth and left the toothpicks.

Jason wasn’t touched. Must have be the rotten insides!