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Several people have asked about how do I keep track of the book that I read and thought I’d share that with you today.
As you know, I write mini-reviews on the blog about books I have read so I take advantage of that by copying the reviews and placing them in a 4×4 mini album.
I have a “form” set up in word so I copy and paste a picture of the book in one box and the review in another box.
I include the title, how I found this book to read and the date I finished at the top of the page. I do not include the author due to it being on the picture.
I then have a mini description of what the book is about (how quickly I forget!), my thoughts about the book and my star rating.
The book nerd in me loves to look back at the books I’ve read for the year. At the end of June, I will have read 15 books, so I’m on track to read 30 books this year. Yay, me! 🙂