I’m back from our family vacation which was to Hilton Head Island…more to come on that later this week.
Today I want to share with you something we did before vacation….
Oh, yes we did! All four of us went, we absolutely loved it and hope we can see it again in the future. But, let me share a little funny on that night…
Yes, all four of us went, but as you can see, there are only three of us in the picture! Jason wanted to get some drinks and there was a photo op station, so the boys and I took advantage of the opportunity.
Jack checked out the picture and said (excuse his language),
“Jeepers! I wouldn’t look so dang short if you didn’t wear your freaking heels!”
WOW, Jack! I did wear a little heel, but I guess even 2″ makes him a crabby teenager! (Even though he has grown 1/2″ in the last month)
So he took care of the situation by going back and getting a picture by himself. (and to post on instagram..I guess a family picture is not cool for instagram.)
He has always been our little independent problem solver!